
Many people strongly desire success. Some even pray for it. If this is you, listen very closely. One of the most unrealized truths about success is that success carries weight. You MUST be physically, mentally and emotionally strong enough to carry the weight of success or else that which you desired most will crush you. […]


The worst person to lie to is yourself. You know when you’re doing your best. You know if you’re happy or not. You know what you REALLY want (whether it’s right OR wrong). Always be honest with yourself. That’s the only way you’ll be able to truly grow from where you are to where you […]


Think back to the last time you REALLY ‘went there’ when you got angry. Think of the things you said and did that you aren’t proud of. The majority of us, if we would be honest, would have done some things differently. Many people are currently suffering the consequences because they didn’t take a moment […]


You won’t be able to consummate the marriage between you and your destiny until you first divorce your past. The past, both good AND bad, should simply be a point of reference. The possibilities of your future are fervently trying to get to you, but your actions are making you look like you’re already taken. […]


We MUST learn to love people from where they are. Are they right? Are they wrong? Doesn’t matter. It’s irrelevant to love. Of course, love has many different applications and there are some you have to love from a distance, but the truth is this: people will never love how much you know till they […]


The dog that will bring a bone will carry one too. That’s what my grandmother used to say about gossipers. It basically means that if a person will talk to you about THEM, chances are they will also talk to them about YOU. Whether your gossiper is a relative or friend, this truth remains sure. […]


If there’s one thing that I’ve learned, it’s this… Opportunity comes. If there are two things I’ve learned… you don’t know when. So instead of stressing over why it hasn’t arrived for you yet, pour that energy into staying ready for when it does. I have done it all (well … at least most of […]


Work to erase the saying ‘I don’t have time’ from your vocabulary. A day consists of 24 hours and is filled with you doing what YOU make a priority to do. You may not WANT to do something or may not have placed it high on your ‘to do list’, but you HAVE time. The […]


Worrying about an issue keeps our hands tied to it. Trusting God puts the issue in His hands. Whose hands do you trust more? There are times that God simply does not do what we thought he should have. Don’t trust your thoughts. Trust the manufacturer of your mind. He’s been doing this a long […]


The word of God is not a good luck charm or feel good quotes. It is power and it is life. It is the power of attorney that God gives us to navigate with AUTHORITY in this world. It can be the most powerful weapon when you need it or a soothing agent for the […]


Virtually every relationship will at some point have a disagreement. The thing that makes a disagreeable MOMENT become a PERIOD of disagreement is the Grandfather clause. This is when you incorporate the last disagreement (or disagreements) you’ve had with your current one. It’s when you remember how irate you felt the last time, how you […]


The bridge you burn now may be the one you later have to cross. Embrace the chivalry of ‘hush’ when your emotions are all over the place. Emotions are temporary, but spontaneous words and deeds done as a result of those emotions are far more lasting. If the deed, however, is already done (as you […]