
Whatever we have of the world in our hands, our care must be to keep it out of our hearts, lest it come between us and Christ – Matthew Henry Sure… make the money, drive the benz, wear the Gucci. Just don’t let those labels become YOUR label. YOU are amazingly created by God. Allow […]


Learn to see yourself as a gift. No matter what stage of life you’re in, you always have something to give that will make someone’s day better: a smile, a compliment, a hug, help, a listening ear, or space to merge into traffic. It’s doesn’t have to be much to make a difference. Practice being […]


You won’t be able to consummate the marriage between you and your destiny until you first divorce your past. The past, both good AND bad, should simply be a point of reference because you can’t change it. The possibilities of your future are fervently trying to get to you, but you look like you’re already […]


No one has the power to MAKE you feel less than, unimportant, unworthy or not good enough without your approval. Until you mentally authorize each of those transactions, they are only opinions that have nothing to do with you. Embrace as your identity ONLY what God has said about you and remind yourself of this […]


Greek philosopher and author Plato said, ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’. What an amazingly true statement! You would be amazed at how creative you can be when you really need to be. I think of the invention called the backscratcher. I would image someone suffered with an incredibly itchy back, got tired of being […]


Despite the seminars, how to videos, books and etc., every person who has found success did so because God said … ‘Now’. Hard work and intelligence help, but don’t guarantee success. God can only do that. I can’t tell you how many times I got positions and jobs that I KNOW someone else was more […]


Jesus can turn your water into wine, but he can’t turn your whining into anything. Know when to stop complaining and DO something. Whining is not doing. We all have a part and you should never let the size of the issue stop you from doing your part. When Jesus performed the miracle at the […]


If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend at least two hours sharpening my ax. YOU are your ax! After a while you will wear out if you don’t take care of yourself. YES, everybody needs something and yes, YOU have to do it … but who will do it if […]


There was a season in my life that I often found myself praying, ‘God, you are all I have!’ The prayer was associated with feelings of severe anxiety. ‘Everything else is gone and all I’m left with is You!’ Eventually God answered my prayer and said, ‘I’m all you have but I’m also all you […]


If you are an evergreen, there is no need to envy the rose bush. Everything has its own season to shine. Be an expert at being you. Don’t abandon who you are just because someone else’s brand is in season right now. The season will come that you may be the only thing standing that […]