
Dr Gloria Morrow’s 7 tips to keep the flame burning even after Valentine’s Day 1. Hold each other close and pray together every day. During this prayer, pray for your spouse only. Don’t use this time as a time to ask God to fix and correct. 2. Make a list of the things you really […]


1. Have to forgive one another; there is no intimacy without forgiveness 2. Court once again and get to know each other. 3. You have to work on yourself…if you are not intimate with yourself you will not be intimate with your spouse. 4. Your relationship with God must be intact and God is Love.


Dr. Gloria Shares Golden Nuggets With Men and Women of Destiny and their Spouses For Men and Women of Destiny 1. Take care of yourself. Men and women are sometimes unhealthy mentally, physically, and spiritually due to stress. Stress can sometimes cause great people to fall. Regardless of the call, failure to take care of […]


Steps for Overcoming Infidelity Dr. Gloria Morrow Infidelity is very devastating to a marriage and the individuals in the marriage. There are many factors that contribute to infidelity, such as marital problems and stress. However, unless your spouse is a serial adulterer, couples can overcome and recover from infidelity. In fact, some couples report that […]

10 Strategies for Improving Your Marriage in 2010 By Dr. Gloria Morrow 1. Invite God back your marriage to stay in 2010. Make your home a place of prayer, praise, and worship. 2. Celebrate the fact that you survived 2009 as a couple, and give yourselves permission to forgive one another for past mistakes, faults, […]