
  If you can see it, it’s doesn’t require faith. How many of us won’t start a God given assignment because we don’t understand every detail or know how it’s going to turn out? The greatest way the enemy can stop a plan is to ensure it never even starts. You may not have much, […]


It is impossible to remain bitter towards, have a cold attitude against, or consistently mistreat some that you are effectually and fervently praying for. Effective prayer works first on the person who is doing the praying. If you are constantly bitter, angry or just plain stank with anyone … though it may be hard to […]


Jesus can turn your water into wine, but he can’t turn your wining into anything. Know when to stop complaining and DO something. Wining is not doing. We all have a part and you should never let the size of the issue stop you from doing your part. When Jesus performed the miracle at the […]


Some parents want to protect their children from the horrible realities of their co-parent. They say things like, ‘Yeah, I know they hurt you, but they really DO love you’. If this is you, allow me to ask you a sobering question. Do you want your child to associate physical abuse, chronic absenteeism and broken […]


You will never know your true capabilities until you move out of your comfort zone. The big catch that you’re believing God for does not reside in the shallow end. Many times God’s will for your life requires you to launch out by faith into deep waters. Everybody won’t understand, but everybody didn’t get your […]


As much as I am apprehensive to admit it, some of my greatest successes have been a result of the training I got from my worst failures. It could have gone either way, but I chose to learn and get better as opposed to shrivel up and die. Some failures were totally my fault and […]


Consistency is the key. Do what you know is right and keep doing it. Your breakthrough will come, just stay focused on what you know is right. Others will fly past you on their path and find success before you, but remain focused. The prize for you at the end has YOUR name on it […]


Don’t be so quick to fill the space in your life that has become vacant. Sometimes it needs to remain empty for a while so you can regain your peace of mind and get ready for the blessing that God is preparing to occupy that space. Don’t fill it with ordinary just to have something […]


The right key can unlock the door. But the right key at the wrong place is worthless. Find your place and get in your lane. Your effectiveness depends upon you using your gift (your key) in the right place. Don’t let anything distract or discourage you from being in your place. If you don’t know […]


You can’t effectively move forward while looking back. This is why your car windshield is much bigger than your rear view mirror. The past is important, but it must only be a point of reference. What’s MOST important is what’s happening NOW and what lies AHEAD. So make a conscious effort to give TODAY and […]


A bad day today doesn’t guarantee a bad day tomorrow. Be careful not to paint your future with the same brush that’s painting your current negative situation. Always remember that God’s got you. THEY don’t control your future…. HE does. Keep your reaction in check until you hear what God has to say about it. […]


There’s some good in the worst of us and some worst in the best of us. No human is 100% either or. We ALL are both ‘and’. We have to resist the urge to label a person that way because of how they made us feel. If you can be honest with yourself, your ex […]