As we all intensely await the Ferguson shooting grand jury’s decision on whether or not Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson will be criminally charged for…


18-year-old Vonderrit Myers  (although some media is reporting his name was Vonderrick) was yet another unarmed Black teen who was shot and killed by police.…

18-year-old unarmed (he was carrying a sandwich) Vonterrit Myers Jr. was shot dead on Wednesday by an off-duty cop in St. Louis, adding fuel to…


Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson may have released a video apologizing to “peaceful” protesters and the Brown Family about how Mike Brown’s case was handled,…


Thursday morning in Washington, Attorney General Eric Holder (pictured) announced the launch of the Justice Department’s National Justice Department’s National Initiative for Building Community Trust…


Michael Elsbury, a 15-year-veteran with the Baton Rouge police department, resigned on Thursday after racist text messages he sent to a friend became public, reports…


The police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael “Mike” Brown in Ferguson, Mo., on August 9th captured the attention of the nation. With an explosive case…

M.O.B.S. Mothers of Black Sons is purposed to put another face and another perspective on the African American Male by hearing the voices of mothers. In the wake of the tragedies in our communities with our young black men, from gang violence, black on black crime, and of course the obvious disrespect and devalue law […]


Activist Rev. Jesse Jackson had an unpleasant encounter with a few Ferguson protesters who told the civil rights leader that they hadn’t seen him marching…

Douglasville teenager Bobby Tillman was killed at a house party in 2010 in an incident that made national news. Tillman — a freshman at Georgia Perimeter College at the time — was not involved in the altercation that started the fight. The house party was organized to celebrate two high school girls’ good grades, but the party was […]