
This is overwhelming.  I heard protestors singing this chant last Thursday Night on CNN while they were being arrested for standing for the non indictment in the death of Eric Garner. I was so inspired when I watched it on CNN that I sparked a challenge to singers across the nation.  It’s sparked an even wider […]


St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch released the findings of a federal autopsy report on Michael Brown Monday, UPI reports. RELATED: Eric Holder Curbs Racial…


Americans all across the country continue to make their voices heard over Michael Brown and Ferguson, the recent grand jury decision not to indict the police officer who was videotaped killing Eric Garner, as well as police killings in Cleveland, Brooklyn and Arizona. Praise 102.5’s own Darlene McCoy recorded a protest song and is challenging all […]


Roland Martin, host of “NewsOne Now,” delivered an inspirational commentary about the current fight for social justice in the aftermath of the deaths of Mike Brown,…


Marietta, GA—A diverse coalition of representatives from various organizations and communities in Cobb, including New Order National Human Rights (NONHRO), the Cobb Immigrant Alliance (CIA), and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), will be participating in and supporting a Marietta march and rally on Saturday, December 5, by the local chapter of Occupy the Hood. […]


The movement #BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer when George Zimmerman was acquitted for his crime, and the slain 17-year old was post-humously…

Warning: This video is an hour long, but well worth the watch. Four members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Hakeem Jeffries, Yvette Clarke, Sheila Jackson…

Atlanta, National, Photos

Attorney General Eric Holder stood in the shadows of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as he spoke to community leaders last night at Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church. 51 years to the date after Rosa Parks “Transformed a Nation” with her refusal to give up her seat just days after her meeting with Dr. King about […]


News that Officer Darren Wilson resigned from the Ferguson Police Department on Saturday is unlikely to ease tensions in the aftermath of the grand jury…


Ferguson protesters have taken to the streets to rally against the Darren Wilson grand jury decision and against police brutality in many different ways. Some have…


Protesters with the NAACP began their march for justice Saturday in Ferguson. Hundreds answered the historic civil rights organization’s call in its response to the…