
We should live life expecting the best, yet cautiously prepared for the worst. Devastation comes as a result of no preparation at all for the worst. You can only control you. We pray for everything else. Sometimes bad things happen and there is no satisfying answer as to why. All you can do is your […]


In today’s society, to be guarded is not only the norm, but it’s safer that way. You never know who you can trust or who could potentially be the one that could harm you. This perspective will certainly keep you protected, but it will also keep the good that could come your way at a […]


Whatever we have of the world in our hands, our care must be to keep it out of our hearts, lest it come between us and Christ – Matthew Henry Sure… make the money, drive the benz, wear the Gucci. Just don’t let those labels become YOUR label. YOU are amazingly created by God. Allow […]


Learn to see yourself as a gift. No matter what stage of life you’re in, you always have something to give that will make someone’s day better: a smile, a compliment, a hug, help, a listening ear, or space to merge into traffic. It’s doesn’t have to be much to make a difference. Practice being […]

Inspiration, Uncategorized

Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter. But HOW does your life matter? How does your existence make a difference? If you are living intentionally, those are questions that demand an answer. Every person reading this has the capacity to be the difference. Your life’s value has nothing to do with you. God […]


What do Steve Harvey, Tyler Perry, Ford Motor Company, Walmart and so many other successful brands have in common? Their beginning looked nothing like their end. We tend to exalt the glory of the end PRODUCT over the gruesome journey of the PROCESS. A diamond has value ONLY because of the process. Otherwise, it’s just […]


There are no badges or rewards given to Christians who can carry the most burdens and cares the longest. There just isn’t. The reason is because we were never instructed to carry that kind of weight long term. We are to be the facilitators of cares. An issue comes to you and you give it […]


Despite the seminars, how to videos, books and etc., every person who has found success did so because God said … ‘Now’. Hard work and intelligence help, but don’t guarantee success. God can only do that. I can’t tell you how many times I got positions and jobs that I KNOW someone else was more […]


If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend at least two hours sharpening my ax. YOU are your ax! After a while you will wear out if you don’t take care of yourself. YES, everybody needs something and yes, YOU have to do it … but who will do it if […]