About KD Bowe

‘Excuse me ma’am, but could you tell me what time it is?’ It was the sound of this casual request for the time in a small college radio station that catapulted the more than two-decade successful career in broadcasting for KD Bowe.

A veteran in the industry, KD Bowe’s highly motivating personality and inspiring radio show has captured the hearts of both the young and the seasoned all across America. With the majority of his career in network radio and syndication, KD has found a way to speak the language of the listener in cities both small and large. He delivers personal insight and on-air guests that bring real answers to the issues that affect us both publicly and personally.

KD Bowe is also owner of KDB Productions, a voice-over services production company that provides signature voice to TV, radio stations and the Internet. He has been the signature voice for hundreds of brands like Bishop T.D. Jakes, Paul Morton, The Word Network, Lego, Spalding, Sony, Coca Cola, and many others.

KD Bowe is also the in-stadium announcer for the Atlanta Falcons.


Taking the Gospel outside the four walls of the church means more than taking it to the crack house or the night club. It means taking it to YOUR house, YOUR job, YOUR relationships and YOUR commute to and from work. A real intimate relationship means exposing the other person to who you are when […]


When it feels like your life is a puzzle, relax with this thought… God is putting the pieces in place according to the picture that He’s drawn. Though you may not know how certian parts fit, the thing to be confident in is God’s ability to ALWAYS know what He’s doing, and to know He’s […]


True deliverance requires a 2 fold prayer. You must first ask God to deliver you from the grip of the struggle. That’s the easy part. The second part is what many people don’t consider. It’s asking God to deliver the struggle from YOUR grip. Stay the course. Some things take time.. but there WILL be […]


We actually don’t see with our eyes. We see with our minds. The eyes are only tools our body uses to focus on what the mind then interprets. Sometimes what the eyes see, the mind interprets based off of memory and not the present. It’s how you can change for the better but people still […]


God has called us His friends, but many of us don’t understand how significant this is. Many of us only refer to God as ‘Master’. You are not as open with your boss as you are with your friends. With your close friends, you are transparent. You know that whatever you tell them will is […]


A Mac and a PC are two exceptional products that do the same thing but in different ways. Remember, you are your brand. It’s important to surround yourself with people who believe in YOUR brand and are not trying to make you THEIRS. The world is waiting to benefit from your uniqueness. Jeremiah 1:5 New […]


Be thankful for progress. It’s easy to get frustrated with 5 when you really aimed for 10, but thank God that you have the mindset and strength to do that much. Some victories simply take time. So until you can say ‘I don’t do THAT any more’, be grateful that you can at least say […]


  It’s good to be a listening ear, but be careful not to become anyone’s garbage can. They dump all their burdens on you and leave you feeling crazy while they are free and empty. Instead, be a recycling bin. Turn what is useless over to Someone who can transform the bad into something good. […]


God is in control, however it’s our responsibility to WALK out what he has WORKED out. Despite how complex your situation looks, if God has given you instructions, DO THEM! We only see the physical, but in the spiritual realm there are warring angels that are clearing the path under God’s direction to ensure that […]


Walking in integrity means regularly doing the right thing just because it’s right to do. Integral acts are not motivated by rewards or accolades. It’s allowing the person to cut in front of you in grid locked traffic. It’s picking up the paper towel in the public restroom that you threw on the floor when […]


We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles. Life WILL throw you some curve balls. It’s just GOING to happen. Here’s the good news… you’ll never know good it feels to hit a homerun without them. YOU WILL WIN! God’s word doesn’t fail and neither will you as long as you’re […]


I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know everything. I don’t always know the right thing to say and sometimes I can quite frankly be a mess, but this is what I know. Despite all that I’m not, because I have God… I will win. God IS the GAME CHANGER. When things go haywire […]