About KD Bowe

‘Excuse me ma’am, but could you tell me what time it is?’ It was the sound of this casual request for the time in a small college radio station that catapulted the more than two-decade successful career in broadcasting for KD Bowe.

A veteran in the industry, KD Bowe’s highly motivating personality and inspiring radio show has captured the hearts of both the young and the seasoned all across America. With the majority of his career in network radio and syndication, KD has found a way to speak the language of the listener in cities both small and large. He delivers personal insight and on-air guests that bring real answers to the issues that affect us both publicly and personally.

KD Bowe is also owner of KDB Productions, a voice-over services production company that provides signature voice to TV, radio stations and the Internet. He has been the signature voice for hundreds of brands like Bishop T.D. Jakes, Paul Morton, The Word Network, Lego, Spalding, Sony, Coca Cola, and many others.

KD Bowe is also the in-stadium announcer for the Atlanta Falcons.


Supreme Court rules in Favor of DNA testing after Arrest The Supreme Court ruled that police may perform a DNA cheek swab test on criminal suspects before trial and conviction with “probable’ cause. Despite questions if this procedure is unconstitutional, Supreme Court officials ruled the procedure legitimate with a 5-4 majority “When officers make an […]


I’m not a big ‘throw caution to the wind’ kind of guy. Actually, I’m quite the opposite. I look before I leap. Boy do I look… and look.. and look… and LOOK! I’m huge on research, counting the cost, having an exit strategy and a plan B (or C if necessary). Research and planning IS […]


We have a powerful tool. It’s the tool of association or otherwise known as relationship. The right relationships get you into arenas that your skill set may not. The person who can maintain solid relationships will always be a step ahead of the person who is more talented or more skilled. Jesus wants us to […]


You were created SPECIFICALLY for a purpose. God had something that needed to be done and He CREATED you to do it. You’re kind of a big deal. Take ownership of your gifts and the value of your purpose. Be BOLD and readjust your Godly swagger … You’re an OWNER, not a renter. Success is […]


We tend to put too much emphasis on faith. Don’t get me wrong. You NEED faith to get the job done, but not as much as you think. You need more OBEDIENCE than faith. Often times, the plan that God has for us is so big that He only shows us glimpses of it because […]


Being in church makes you a saint about as much as standing in a garage makes you a car. God desires intimacy with us. Too many of us brush ourselves off and put on dressy clothes to present our ‘Sunday Best’ to God and others every week only to go back to our ‘regular’ selves […]


A relationship is like a bank account. It can become negative when more withdrawals are made from it than deposits. It’s not like you should be keeping a running tally, but if you did … would your significant other say you give more than you get, or vice versa? Would your friends consider you an […]


It’s not always what you say that’s sending the message. Sometimes it’s your look. Some people attempt to hide how they feel behind what they ‘didn’t say’. However, God and others know many times whats in your heart by something as small as your look. Think about it. It wasn’t pride that God said he […]


Don’t be afraid to push the envelope on what God has placed in your heart to do. Sometimes people won’t understand you, and that’s ok. They may even disagree, but that’s still ok. They’re not accountable for the vision because God didn’t give it to them. He gave it to you. Dr ML King, Harriet […]


I’ll be the first to admit that I have gotten upset with God a time or two in my life. He’s all powerful. How does He allow a tornado to level an entire community? Couldn’t He stop a lunatic from shooting up a school and killing innocent children? Honestly speaking, I pouted and even threatened […]


Words are seeds. Be careful of not only the seeds you sow, but the seeds that you allow to be sown into your life. Every seed produces after it’s own kind. Intentionally reject what you don’t want to take root. Proverbs 12:18 New International Version- The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the […]


There are times that God allows all your REsources to dry up to encourage you to seek the TRUE source. It’s important to NOT get caught up in STUFF. A REsource is like a REflection. It’s only an image of something REal. God’s wants us to appreciate the REsources, but remember there would be no REsource […]