
A new survey is revealing that Americans feel like Blacks were treated more fairly in 2007 than now.


A new report released by the Census Bureau revealed some good news: women are taking longer to marry which, in turn, may also be the reason not as many are divorcing. The report was based on a 2009 survey of 55,000 adults and highlighted shifting patterns of marriage and divorce since the 1940s. Here are […]


A recent study was done at in regards to the NAACP nominating hip-hop artists like Jay Z and Nicki Minaj for awards, when they use derogatory terms toward women and the “N-word” in their raps. The survey sparked from The survey posed this question to participants: “The NAACP Image Awards recently nominated artists like […]


Who decides what’s beautiful and what’s not in our society? I’ve always wondered why some women are considered drop dead gorgeous while others, not so much. In the past, the standard of beauty in America has been “blonde hair, blue eyes, and skinny”. It’s no secret that as African American women, we are known for […]