
New research explains why Black and low-income students lag behind more affluent White peers in science. The researchers recommend early exposure to science.


The latest glimmer of hope in the ongoing race to cure AIDS comes from an experimental new gel. Researchers announced this week that a vaginal…


The first miracle baby to be functionally cured of HIV in the US is now in good company, doctors say. Born in California last summer…


One Pittsburgh woman is working hard to guarantee that the next generation’s Mark Zuckerbergs and Bill Gates are not overlooked in her African-American community. Shimira…


Despite the hardships suffered through slavery, many African Americans have managed to become great inventors, scientists, and thinkers. This is a list of the ten…


Two-year-old Romanieo Golphin Jr. of Washington D.C. is an amazing scientist with knowledge of chemistry and physics. Romanieo’s father, Romanieo Sr., is a composer who has developed a series of learning programs he uses for his son called BabytechiOS and Novus. Romanieo Sr. believes his son’s advanced knowledge of science is simply a process of […]