
“I remember you was conflicted, misusing your influence..” Having a sense of patriotism to the country we call America can be fleeting. After all, as a…


It’s that time of the year again! We’ve been to a few family gatherings over the years, but the Fourth of July barbecue always brings…


Comedian Chris Rock has never has been one to shy away from saying controversial things. On July 4th, Rock tweeted a joke that hasn’t been taken too well outside of the black community. Chris Rock tweeted: “Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks.” Though many of Rock’s […]


Well it’s been about two years since Will Smith himself has been in a movie, so it’s only bout time that he’d pop up.


Sharing the following video, which is an excellent history lesson from actor, Morgan Freeman, and reading of The Declaration Of Independence by various Hollywood celebrities.  After viewing the video, reflect on the words that follow by Frederick Douglas. Share your thoughts by commenting below. The following is an excerpt from The Life and Writings of […]


The 4th of July doesn’t tend to test the creativity of parents because so much is usually on offer for children throughout the Independence weekend. Yet, what you choose to do can have long lasting positive consequences for your kids. Making the right decisions could mean years of laughter, memories and positive 4th of July […]