
If you lie on the CNN anchor, he has no problem putting your sexual harassment lawsuits on blast.

Election 2016

CNN anchor Don Lemon is usually on the receiving end of social media snark because of comments he makes about race. But on Tuesday night, he was the one delivering sharp commentary while interviewing a supporter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who intimated that “Second Amendment people” might be able to stop Hillary Clinton if she […]

CNN anchor Don Lemon, who has criticized Black Lives Matter and other activists for standing up for their rights, told The New York Times in a recent interview that if he weren’t a journalist, he would be a writer like James Baldwin, or an activist like Malcolm X. “I’d probably be a writer like James […]


A series of selfies comedian Chris Rock posted to Instagram recently is continuing the conversation surrounding police encounters with African-Americans. The comedian shared photos of himself getting pulled over by…

For the last several days, Mo’Nique and Lee Daniels have been revisiting a conversation they had privately years ago in public spaces. This rehash of…

There have been two violent assaults on institutions that speak to the power of freedom of speech, but only one of them is securing major…


Is Don Lemon (pictured) an apt anchor? Not according to the Columbia Journalism Review Darts & Laurel, which criticized Lemon for his less-than-stellar coverage of the…

Don Lemon wasted his breath when he told Joan Tarshis, a woman claiming she was raped by Bill Cosby when she was 19, “I don’t…


St. Louis police officer Dan Page, who earlier this week pushed CNN host Don Lemon during a live broadcast in Ferguson, has been suspended from…


Ever since CNN anchor Don Lemon (pictured) decided to start editorializing, he has not shown himself to be a serious thinker. Lemon has developed a…