Conservative pundit and Fox News alum Glenn Beck recently embraced President Obama, Michelle Obama and even Black Lives Matter.

Conservative pundit and Fox News alum Glenn Beck recently embraced President Obama, Michelle Obama and even Black Lives Matter.

Hillary Clinton is a lawyer, a philanthropist, an advocate for women’s rights, a former First Lady of the United States, the first American First Lady to be elected to the U.S. senate and the first woman to win a major party’s nomination in the race for the presidential seat. Hillary reveals where her inspiration and […]


President Obama signs the release of 98 more non-violent federal prisoners. It's the latest round of commutations aimed at releasing low-level offenders serving long sentences.


Former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell endorses Hillary Clinton for president. He raises questions about Donald Trump's fitness for the presidency.

In this edition of Faith Walking, Erica Campbell talks about an article she read about the election which challenges believers to activist their faith. The article also goes on to say that the isolation of believers is what is crippling their ability to use their authority on earth. As Erica says, this article really fired […]


Four writers publish open letters to Michelle Obama. They thank the First Lady for her positive impact on the nation and the presidency.


Black Women "are the most powerful voters in the electorate," said Carmen Berkley from the AFL-CIO. "We have to be willing to throw our weight in and make sure we get the candidates that we need."

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF seems to be a little bit fired up about the second debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. A lot of strange stuff happened on that stage between the two presidential candidates last night, but one thing in particular stood out in GRIFF’s mind. He just could not […]


Mayor Kasim Reed believes Georgia can turn from Red to Blue if Democrats allocate resources in the Peach State.


The market faces an important test as the fourth enrollment season opens up on November 1.

Election 2016

Democrats fear that Black Floridians may stay home on Election Day. Clinton's campaign plans to dispatch three heavy hitters to rally the Black vote across the state.