



Be honest. We’ve all done it before. We pray and ask God to do something we really need Him to do. Whether it’s praying for the recovery of a loved one, praying for a financial miracle or even praying that we don’t get caught (if you REALLY want to be honest). Has there ever been […]


It’s amazing how easy it is to blame other people/things for our mediocrity rather than face the fact that we don’t want ‘it’ as bad as we say we do. The sad truth is that far too many of us are on autopilot and we aren’t even aware. I get it. It’s comfortable. But being […]


Ladies, a man truly values and respects what he WORKS for. If it took no effort to get it, he will use no effort to keep it. It’s not just men either. We tend to value expensive more than cheap. It’s why the Bentley is more respected and revered than the Ford. COmmand respect and […]


Guilt should have one primary purpose: act as a trigger for us to make things right with God, man or both. When we live in a perpetual state of guilt we open the door for condemnation and accusations from the devil. Let’s be clear, no matter what you did, the blood of Jesus is enough […]


Do You Have Desires That Have Gone Unfulfilled?I certainly have. What about desires you have that you shouldn’t have? Yep, guilty on that one too. Take a listen to today’s ManUP! Moment. I believe that this 2 minute and 37 sec clip can give you a life altering perspective. Take a listen and let me […]


We are the sum total of the choices that we have made. No, you may not be able to control what happens to you, but you CAN control how you respond to it. You alone are responsible for what you do, don’t do, or how you respond to what was done to you. If you want different things […]


I have always thought it unwise to make permanent decisions based off of temporary emotions. The majority of the time once the corresponding emotion has passed, so will the decision. You’re typically able to tell when a person is truly serious when the decision they make is a sober one and not intoxicated by emotions. […]


No one has the power to make you feel less than, unimportant, unworthy or not good enough without your approval. Until you mentally authorize each of those transactions, they are only opinions that have nothing to do with you. Embrace as your identity ONLY what God has said about you and remind yourself of this […]


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s easy to do when it makes you look good like giving to the Red Cross. But what about when empathy makes you look bad? Can you resist the urge to get even with someone who is rude or short with you and […]


If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend at least two hours sharpening my ax. YOU are your ax! After a while you will wear out if you don’t take care of yourself. YES, everybody needs something and yes, YOU have to do it … but who will do it if […]


Genuine Christian love and being judgmental does NOT look the same! Be cautious that what you are calling ‘standing for righteousness’ is not just your way of bypassing your primary responsibility to love other people just like you love yourself. Ask yourself how you’d want to be treated if the shoe were on the other […]