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Invest In Love with Guest Host Lecrae

griff's prayer

Source: c/s / iOne

This is Lecrae, filling in for my sister Erica today on Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell and I got a little something for y’all. I’ve got a Lecraeism… 


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People don’t know a lot about my story, but let me just give you a couple of little details.  

Number one, I met my wife at 18 years old. So we’ve been together 18 years coming up this year. That’s quite a bit of time. I remember when we first got married, and on the first anniversary all my boys like, “It’s a big deal. You’ve got to do something big.” None of us have ever been married before. We don’t have any experience with this whole marriage thing. I said, “What do I do,” and they say, “You got to go to Tiffany’s.” I said, “OK, alright, well introduce me to Tiffany.” So after they said, “No, it’s a store,” I go. I walk into Tiffany’s…I look at the prices… I walk out of Tiffany’s. They have got to have a Tamika’s or a Tasha’s or something! Tiffany is tripping with these prices, but they said, “Crae, just make the investment.” So, I bought it the bracelet. They said that she’s going to love it, she’s going to be in tears, and it’s going to be a moment.   

So, I come out with the blue box on the first anniversary. I give her the box and she says, “Ohh thank you so much.” I didn’t get the snot bubbles, so I’m upset. I didn’t see the tears and the snot bubbles and the whole nine. So, I’m sitting here like, wait a minute…I thought I was going to get some tears. I was a little bit upset by it, but I kept it to myself. 

She’s wearing the bracelet around and a couple years go by—my daughter is five at the time. She sees  my wife’s bracelet and she says, “Mommy, when I grow up, I want to have that bracelet so I can give it to my daughter, and then she could give it to her daughter, and she could give it to her daughter.” 


…And that’s when it hit me

Sometimes we want the results that we want, but there’s a bigger plan. There’s a bigger investment. Sometimes we are busy counting the seeds in the grape, but only God can count the grapes in the seed. There’s only so much we can understand. So, I just want to tell y’all invest in people! Invest in your relationships. Invest in yourself. Invest in your kids…because you never know what that’s going to produce. You may not get the results you exactly wanted—I didn’t see the snot bubbles and tears—but I got to see my daughter say I want to pass on a legacy.  

Invest. Invest. Invest.  



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Invest In Love with Guest Host Lecrae  was originally published on