
President Barack Obama continued the annual Easter Prayer Breakfast at the White House Wednesday morning, remembering the “tremendous sacrifice” of Jesus and the hope that his resurrection gives. Rev. Cynthia Hale of Decatur’s Ray of Hope Christian Church gave the opening prayer. “We are here today to celebrate that glorious overcoming, the sacrifice of a […]


More details are pouring out of the investigation into the death of Whitney Houston. According to the L.A. Coroner’s report, a “spoon with a white crystal-like substance on it” and a “white powdery substance” were both found in Houston’s room. That substance was tested and proven to be cocaine. The report also says that when […]


Zachery Tim’s mysterious death last summer still reverberates through ministry. Before Christmas there was what some deemed a controversial appointment of Paula White to lead Tim’s Florida megachurch. There is the court battle over his autopsy in New York state court. Now comes the first hand account from his former wife Riva Tims, who has […]

Atlanta police have launched an internal investigation into Tyler Perry’s claim he was racially profiled by two white officers who pulled his car over, CNN reports. The Atlanta based filmmaker put a post on his Facebook page recently describing a tense encounter with police, which he suggested “could have turned for the worse.” “It was […]