
A heart in love finds a thousand ways. A heart in question finds a thousand excuses – Nigerian Proverb. Show me a person full of excuses as to why they can’t ‘adjust’ for the sake of love, and I will show u a person who is more in love with themselves than you. Love is […]


Don’t be afraid to push the envelope on what God has put on your heart. Sometimes people won’t understand you, and that’s ok. They’re not accountable for the vision because God didn’t give it to them. He gave it to you. Dr ML King, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and so many more faced […]


People know what you are by what they see, not by what they hear. My kids can be silent and you can look at them and know they’re mine because they look like me. Feed on God’s word long enough and you’ll resemble Him in word and deed. Aspire to be a sermon the world […]


True deliverance requires a 2 fold prayer… Asking God to deliver you from the grip of the struggle and asking God to deliver the struggle from YOUR grip. Some things you’ve struggled with for so long that you secretly identify yourself with them. You are not your struggle! Stay the course. Some things take time.. […]


A short pencil will beat a long memory any day! Learn the value of writing things down. Things as great as God inspired visions and as small as grandma’s favorite recipe can be lost if you don’t learn this valuable principle. Begin the path of your idea becoming a legacy by ‘putting it in ink’. […]


We MUST learn to love people from where they are. Are they right? Are they wrong? Doesn’t matter… it’s irrelevant to love. People will never love how much you know till they know how much you love. So how bout we stop trying MAKE people change but rather increase our love game and let them […]


The discomfort you feel from not knowing where you are going is always lessened when you are confident in the driver. If God is your co-pilot, consider switching seats. Proverbs 3:5-6  (The Message Bible) – Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice […]


Into the Depths Once again you will have compassion on us. You will trample our sins under your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean! — Micah 7:19 Some years ago I was scuba diving with some friends in Hawaii. We were staying about 15 feet under the surface, but as we […]