
In the past, Shirley Harrison called on police to help with her 38-year-old son, who was bipolar and mentally disabled. The last time she called police for…


St. Louis County Police have issued a statement denying allegations that officers beat the man arrested for shooting two police officers during protests in Ferguson,…


Family spokeswoman says 26-year-old Aaron Siler killed in Kenosha officer-involved shooting via @fox6now — Deb Ward (@DebWard628) March 16, 2015 A Wisconsin police officer…


The 20-year-old man charged in the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson last week is telling authorities the cops were not his intended targets.…


Police officials are searching for two suspects after two cops were shot and wounded in Los Angeles Sunday. The officers, who were dressed in plain…


SHE HAS A NAME: Chyemil Pierce killed while she was protecting her children after shootout erupted outside her house. — Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) March…


Valerie Bell has called out Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the rest of the lawmakers in New York to issue independent investigations for police killings, the New…


As police look into the death of an unarmed Air Force veteran killed by a police officer, activists are speaking out about police tactics in Atlanta.…

Because it is a social construct, race can often be a complicated matter. However, racism – notably, as it works in America – is a…


Nearly 2,000 students marched in Madison, Wisconsin on Monday—many of them high schoolers—in remembrance of 19-year-old Tony Robinson, the unarmed biracial teen shot and killed…


Aurora, Colorado police confirmed that the man killed by police last Friday in an officer involved shooting was, in fact, unarmed, reports CBS4 Denver. The victim is…


Benjamin Jealous, the NAACP’s former president, is reportedly considering running for a U.S. Senate seat. According to sources close to Jealous, he’s eyeing the Senate…