In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF is struck with passion after talking to Erica Campbell about fighting back and beating the devil up! He banishes the devil out of his life and the lives around him! He recalls growing up and hearing people in church say very explicitly how they’re going to get the […]

Erica Campbell and GRIFF are thrilled to announce that the morning show will broadcast live from the Gaylord in Kissimmee, Florida, on Friday, September 2nd. It’s an event you surely will not want to miss, as our two faithful co-hosts so excited to bring the faith walking, love talking and joy living to a live […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, he talks about being inspired by a man he saw playing whack-a-mole at Laguardia Airport. As the game went on, the man kept getting frustrated and just started whacking indiscriminately, which didn’t solve his problems. GRIFF saw, in this moment, a metaphor applicable to his life. He also saw […]

As Erica Campbell asks, “what are you working on?” in this Get Up Poll. She acknowledges that we all have our own personal struggles; promises we’ve made to ourselves about doing better and being better. Such a thing can be a huge challenge, and it takes faith and strength in God to push past the […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF prays for “the people that be strong and wrong.” He means this in terms of people who tend to hear song lyrics the wrong way, and sing the misheard lyrics loudly, passionately, and confidently. He gives some examples, like the mother of his children misquoting “the devil is […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF talks about his life as what he calls a “professional step-child,” since he comes from a pair of parents who have both been married many, many times. He says a prayer in appreciation of step parents, more specifically, step-fathers, who “step in” and fulfill the father role by […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF is struck by the celebratory spirit that comes with knowing that it’s the day before the latest Madden game is released. He asks that God bless him and his “stupid friends” who will be waiting in line tonight eagerly waiting to purchase the game and get to playing […]

For today’s edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF trains his focus onto the body, and all of its different parts that come together to make it function as whole. He’s not just talking about the regular stuff that always gets all the attention, like our eyes, our teeth or our limbs. He gets really specific, making […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, he apologizes to God for being excited about the wrong things. He talks about society’s obsession with things like weave and beauty products, or sneakers and video games, and the simultaneous lack of interest in God and his word. GRIFF tells God that he wants to be like those […]

GRIFF and Erica Campbell were hanging in-studio with legendary gospel artist Fred Hammond! During his visit, they talked about his long career and the last impact he & his creations have made on listeners across all walks of life, age groups and identities. GRIFF opens up to Fred about seeing him perform at the Super […]

For this particular Get Up Poll, Erica Campbell was calling for as many listeners as possible to call up the show and sing her a snip-it of their favorite gospel songs! But before all of the songbirds started singing, GRIFF kicked off the festivities with his own rendition of one of his favorite gospel songs. […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF is struck with gratefulness for the old school moms out there, who worried about every little thing, so their children would stay presentable at any age, and grow up to be good men and women. He talks about the moms that greased up their kids before they got […]