

When we are tempted, there is a way out.  


There are things that happen in our lives that we can’t control.  Instead of falling apart, we need to give it over.  


Listen to this audio below from The KD Bowe Show to hear about how a high school rose to greatness from a “F” rating to a “C” rating while increasing its graduation rate.


I used to be so distraught when someone chose another over me. But I realized I’m not everybody’s brand & that’s OK. Coke & Pepsi. Both are OK. So is a Mac and a PC. They are 2 exceptional products. Because you prefer one doesn’t make the other wrong. Just not YOUR preference. Don’t be […]


Kurt Carr sits down talks with KD Bowe about his new project “Bless Somebody Else.” Carr dedicates one of his songs to his assistant that worked with him over 25 years but unfortunately passed away. The song is called “Dorothy” in which he explained why he felt that he needed to immortalize her in the […]


To be the asset that can potentially be in today’s culture, you have to be ok with thinking outside the box. Maybe your limited understanding of the path to wealth is what’s holding you back? Take a listen to this segment from The KD Bowe Show.