

In life, every action has a reaction. You can control the action. You can NOT control the reaction. You can only cause it. Like dropping a pebble in the pond, you can control the drop but not the ripples. You can only cause them. A REaction is like a REflection. The latter can’t exist without […]


A simple yet resonating truth.  What are you focusing on? Whether you admit it or not, whether it’s good or bad … you’re giving it energy. That’s why you’re consumed by it. ‪#‎AdjustYourFocus  


Life is full of transitions. Babies grow up. Talkative kids eventually stop talking to you. Young knees get old. Things you used to couldn’t live with, can become things you can’t live without. Learn the value of the moment because there IS value in every moment. Whether it’s a teachable moment or an enjoyable one, […]


The best inheritance a parent can give to his/her children is a few minutes of their time each day. Just a few minutes of our time seems so insignificant that sometimes we feel that if we miss it, we really aren’t missing much. Truth is, like compound interest, you won’t know how much you truly […]


There is a situation brewing and you desperately need favor. You’re praying to God like He just found out about it when you did. Thing is, God has been working on that situation way before you even knew it was ‘a situation’. Hearts are being massaged and grace is being imparted. Relax and stay the […]


The enemy doesn’t care about your car or house or stuff in general. When his meddling affects them, it’s less about your stuff and more about trying to make your faith in God take a hit. Understand this up front and guard your soul from being frustrated with God. Trials can either make us bitter […]


The software that runs our brains is hardwired to notice the negative first. It’s why the 6:00 news’ leading stories are often the negative ones and sitcoms with drama and negativity do so well. FIGHT that negative mindset! Literally, ANYBODY can notice the problem. Successful people, however, rarely give energy to a problem without giving […]


Internal conversations become external realities. Allowing the wrong thing to simmer on your mind without proper ventilation will inevitably cause an explosion. Even keeping your real thoughts inside just to ‘keep the peace’ can have disastrous results if not handled correctly. Vent the bad stuff to someone qualified to handle it and replace it with […]


Genuine Christian love and being judgmental does NOT look the same! Be cautious that what you are calling ‘standing for righteousness’ is not just your way of bypassing your primary responsibility to love other people just like you love yourself. Ask yourself how you’d want to be treated if the shoe were on the other […]


If you are an evergreen, there is no need to envy the rose bush. Everything has its own season to shine. Be an expert at being you. Don’t abandon who you are just because someone else’s brand is in season right now. The season will come that you may be the only thing standing that […]


No matter how bad you may have perceived them to be, it’s BETTER to be who God called YOU to be. Focus on your WINDSHIELD, not your REAR view mirror. Goals are designed to be ahead of you, not behind you. You can totally be better than them, yet completely fall short of who God […]


The problem with messing up or sinning is not so much about the mess ups themselves, but rather it’s the decision to do so that causes the damage. For example, I can decide to lie, get away with it and ask God’s forgiveness and He will forgive me… consistently. The damage is that now lying […]