Get Up! With Erica Campbell

This week he's excited about the new album "A Month of Sunday's."

During a recent interview Kelly Price spoke about how excited she was when she found out she was going to be a judge.

A couple months ago, GRIFF met his youngest brother who is 25 and made a promise that he would always be family despite his relationship with the father they share.

GRIFF shares how his experience was when he got stuck in the elevator for 32 minutes.

We're comfortable in the dark space even though we could possibly bump into a walk and hurt ourselves, in life that's what we do sometimes.

This week on Get Up & Move, Erica Campbell’s trainer Dawn Strozier gives us four lower body exercises to help tighten and tone your body.

This year we're celebrating the 40th anniversary of #BlackMusicMonth!

Erica wants you to know that God wants you to have a full life.

A couple of months ago Pastor Tony Evans asked for prayers for his wife after her cancer returned.

Deitrick Haddon's new song "Open Door Season" is all about the space he's currently in.