About KD Bowe

‘Excuse me ma’am, but could you tell me what time it is?’ It was the sound of this casual request for the time in a small college radio station that catapulted the more than two-decade successful career in broadcasting for KD Bowe.

A veteran in the industry, KD Bowe’s highly motivating personality and inspiring radio show has captured the hearts of both the young and the seasoned all across America. With the majority of his career in network radio and syndication, KD has found a way to speak the language of the listener in cities both small and large. He delivers personal insight and on-air guests that bring real answers to the issues that affect us both publicly and personally.

KD Bowe is also owner of KDB Productions, a voice-over services production company that provides signature voice to TV, radio stations and the Internet. He has been the signature voice for hundreds of brands like Bishop T.D. Jakes, Paul Morton, The Word Network, Lego, Spalding, Sony, Coca Cola, and many others.

KD Bowe is also the in-stadium announcer for the Atlanta Falcons.


What you don’t feed will die. Feed your faith. Starve your doubts. Physically, in order to be healthy you have to eat healthy several times a day. The same is for your faith. Baby faith will never be full grown faith without several ‘feedings’ of God’s word daily. Doesn’t have to be much.. just consistent […]


Growth is when you look back over your life and see the things that used to bother you don’t have the same effect. It’s not that God changed IT, but rather he changed YOU so that you could handle IT. The weight didn’t get lighter.. You just got stronger! 1 Corinthians – 10:13 No temptation […]


You were created SPECIFICALLY for a purpose. God had something that needed to be done and He CREATED you to do it. You’re kind of a big deal. Take ownership of your gifts and the value of your purpose. Be BOLD and readjust your Godly swag… You’re an OWNER, not a renter. Success is YOURS.. […]


Consistency is the key. Do what you know is right and keep doing it. Your breakthrough will come, just stay focused on what you know is right. Some may not understand you or even agree with you, but it takes a strong individual to hear from God and do what HE instructs despite public approval. […]


The art of getting the most out of a person is compartmentalizing. You can’t throw away a person because they have bad in them. The best of us have some worst in us and the worst of us have some best in us. No human is 100% anything. Learn to refrain from using words like […]


Techniques and methods change. Principles don’t. Success is never far from the person who understands this. If you are married to the method, it won’t be long before you are irrelevant. Spreading the Gospel is a principle. Whether it’s preached or rapped, is a method. Teaching your children to love God is a principle. Whether you […]


The price of greatness is responsibility. Though many have gotten it twisted lately, THERE IS MORE GREATNESS IN SERVING! The reason God blesses us with gifts and talents is so that we can SERVE. Too many of us want great talents so that we can BE served. My prayer is that no matter how well […]


Every word you speak is priceless. Why do we throw them around like they are worthless? Our words, both negative and positive, make tremendous, immediate impacts on the universe. Mind what you say. Whether building up or tearing down, be deliberate, specific, and intentional about every word. Each one is DOING something, whether you see […]


Both holding on AND letting go amazingly require the SAME energy. The thing that makes us do either is purely mental. So make your decision according to what you NEED to do, because NEITHER is harder than the other. Proverbs 3:6 (New Living Translation) Seek his will in all you do, and he will show […]


I know they hurt you, but as a Christian you can’t handle them like you aren’t one. They spread lies about you and it was embarrassing, but you can’t get even. They talked about you and it hurt, but you can’t seek revenge. They laugh at you behind your back saying you are weak because […]


God has the last say. Not your job. Not your enemies or even your friends. God does. Final doesn’t mean final unless God says so. I have seen people outlive final dates given by doctors. I’ve seen people still living in homes that the bank gave final foreclosure notices to. We must condition our minds […]


God is working behind the scenes on your behalf, in your favor. Your name is being brought to mind and opportunities are being made available on your behalf JUST because God is YOUR God and He is fighting for you. Did you get that?! You may not see it, understand it, or believe it, but […]