About KD Bowe

‘Excuse me ma’am, but could you tell me what time it is?’ It was the sound of this casual request for the time in a small college radio station that catapulted the more than two-decade successful career in broadcasting for KD Bowe.

A veteran in the industry, KD Bowe’s highly motivating personality and inspiring radio show has captured the hearts of both the young and the seasoned all across America. With the majority of his career in network radio and syndication, KD has found a way to speak the language of the listener in cities both small and large. He delivers personal insight and on-air guests that bring real answers to the issues that affect us both publicly and personally.

KD Bowe is also owner of KDB Productions, a voice-over services production company that provides signature voice to TV, radio stations and the Internet. He has been the signature voice for hundreds of brands like Bishop T.D. Jakes, Paul Morton, The Word Network, Lego, Spalding, Sony, Coca Cola, and many others.

KD Bowe is also the in-stadium announcer for the Atlanta Falcons.


One thing that I have learned is that time heals all pain. No one can determine the amount of time the healing will require, but when God heals the wound, you will be able live with the scar. Just look at some of the scars you mave have on your body now from mishaps from […]


Christianity is not some exclusive club for the elite. You don’t get the right to look down on those who join that don’t look like you. No one can be turned away. Whether you joined 20 years ago or 20 mins ago, your value is the exact same. If you are Christian who happens to […]


There is a fine line between caution and fear. Caution is knowing and understanding the risks associated with a particular situation. Fear is allowing yourself to be limited by them. Faith is not throwing caution to the wind, but rather proceeding in spite of caution because you have directions from a higher Authority to override […]


However great you’d like to be should equal your ability to serve. Though many have gotten it twisted lately, THERE IS MORE GREATNESS IN SERVING! The reason God blesses us with gifts and talents is so that we can SERVE. Too many of us want great talents so that we can BE served. My prayer […]


Internal conversations become external realities. Let’s face it, everyone can’t handle your truth, but someone can. Find someone you can tell the WHOLE truth to. Stagnant water stinks. You HAVE to let your thoughts flow. Holding all that in is not the answer. What you are struggling with WILL come out eventually. How about YOU […]


Jesus is YOUR attorney. He really IS on your side. He wants the best for you because he loves you. Sometimes our actions imply that we either don’t know this or have forgotten. Whatever you are going through, be HONEST with Him. If you did it, tell Him you did. If you NEED to quit, […]


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. In order to do this, we must care about the other person as much as we care about ourselves. It may be easy to do this when empathy makes you look good such as giving to the Red Cross. What about when it […]


Life is about managing percentages. NO ONE except God and Satan are 100% anything. Not your ex. Not even the person who cut you off in traffic with your babies in the car. There are very few absolutes in life. It is the wise man who realizes this and determines UP FRONT in a relationship […]


We all have the proverbial ‘button’ that once pushed causes us to be and act in ways that we typically don’t. No one should have access to that button but you. No one has the power to carte blanche MAKE you act unseemingly unless you give it to them. And if they have that type […]


If you spent most of 2012 unhappy, don’t take that into 2013. Most people have one thing they can change that will make ALL the difference. Stop saying ‘its complicated’. What’s complicated is spending 365 days (or more) being miserable. Time is too precious. You don’t have to feel bad about wanting to be happy. […]


Own your part in any issue. It’s rarely 100% anybody’s fault. They may have done MOST of the ‘messing up’, but if you have even 1%… own it and take responsibility. You’ll be surprised how it helps you take control of your life and gain strength to move forth. Proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals his transgressions […]


Be thankful for 2nd chances. Mistakes happen. That’s why pencils are built with erasers. As long as you’re human, mistakes are inevitable. Be thankful for the do-over. Also, never judge someone because their mistake is in an area that you’re a pro. Just be grateful that when you will need a 2nd chance… it’s there. […]