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Take a moment and reflect on what hurts or ails you now.

Father, I come boldly before Your throne to obtain grace to help in time of need. I have confidence in Your Word, and I take hold of Your promises to heal me. According to Isaiah 53:5 and I Peter 2:24, I resist sickness and disease. I speak with my mouth and believe in my heart that I am healed of all sickness and disease.

Your Word says that Jesus bore all my sickness and diseases, and He carried my sorrows, so I receive healing now. I know and declare that Jesus is my Healer. I give You all the praise for providing everything I need to walk in wholeness.

Thank You for satisfying me with long life. Father, I am thankful that You are no respecter of persons. What You do for one, You will do for all who ask and believe by faith. Amen

May you  feel great today!

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Minute Meditation: Prayer For Physical Health  was originally published on

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