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Decide To Win, Refuse To Lose | Dr. Willie Jolley

Wake Up & Win With Dr. Willie Jolley 2.0 Graphics

Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win BIG today is “Decide To Win, Refuse To Lose

Dr. Willie Jolley Says,

We will all have adversity, but you must keep in mind that it is out of adversity that you became the person you are today. Think about it the first time you tried to walk. You fell down, but your parents encouraged you to try again, and you kept falling down, and they kept right on, encouraging you to get back up and keep trying.

Eventually, you walked and you were on your way to running. I’m saying you might be in a place right now where you might have failed in your quest to live your dreams. But I’m encouraging you to try again and keep trying until you’re up and running. And if you fall, get back up again and try again until you keep going and live your dreams. I want you to declare that you can do this. You can, if you think you can.




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Decide To Win, Refuse To Lose | Dr. Willie Jolley  was originally published on