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Where did we go wrong that our mothers, fathers and grandparents are having to work well into their “golden years” before they can rest?  What happened to the money that many of the “baby boomers” earned?  Why didn’t anyone share the “rules” on how money works with them so that they would have the opportunity to have a successful financial future?  Many of these questions are simply rhetorical and without answer.  All we can do is fix it by educating men and women, young and old about the importance of becoming the “primary investor”, an owner and not a loaner.  We may not have a lot of time to give the baby boomers what they could have had but we can certainly assist them with achieving what they won’t get if they keep their investments locked in under-performing accounts.  In this way, we at least have the ability to help them not outlive their money.

Read: Failing to Plan Could Be The Death Of You

Until next time,


Financial Freedom: Are Baby Boomers Outliving Their Income?  was originally published on

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