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Featured Organization: Partnership Against Domestic Violence (PADV)

Address: P.O. Box 170225, Atlanta GA 30317

PHONE: (404) 870-9600


PADV’s mission is to end the crime of intimate partner violence and empower its survivors. We operate the only state-certified domestic violence safe houses in Fulton and Gwinnett Counties and offer outreach to survivors in the community. PADV began as an all-volunteer agency in 1975 and incorporated in 1977. Today, the agency has more than 40 full- and part-time staff with an administrative office and two 24-hour emergency shelters in Fulton and Gwinnett counties.

While intimate partner violence affects all sectors of society, PADV serves primarily low-income women and their children. All of our safe house and supportive housing clients are homeless due to escaping violence, and 97% report income below the federal poverty level. Our clients’ racial/ethnic backgrounds are varied. In FY2010, 68% were Black/African American; 18% White/Caucasian; 10% Hispanic/Latino; 1% Asian/Pacific Islander; and 3% Multiracial, Native American or Other. The largest nonprofit domestic violence agency in Georgia, PADV serves as a domestic violence expert, provides life-saving services to survivors, and builds a coordinated community response to domestic violence through strong collaborations.

For 35 years, PADV, the largest nonprofit domestic violence organization in Georgia, has provided professional, compassionate, and empowering support to battered women and their children in metro Atlanta.

Major accomplishments of the last year include: Completion of a successful capital campaign and renovation of our Fulton safe house; Expansion of outreach services to the Latina community by 30%; Creation of 20 permanent housing units for women in Gwinnett County and; Acquisition of a new building to replace our existing safe house in Gwinnett County.

Future objectives for PADV include: providing safe shelter to survivors; educating the public on the dynamics of intimate partner violence; promoting healthy dating relationships among teens; enhancing technology efforts that support fund raising, community outreach, advocacy, and mission delivery; raise the funds needed to support mission delivery objectives of PADV and build reserves.