
I’m not a big ‘throw caution to the wind’ kind of guy. Actually, I’m quite the opposite. I look before I leap. Boy do I look… and look.. and look… and LOOK! I’m huge on research, counting the cost, having an exit strategy and a plan B (or C if necessary). Research and planning IS […]


We tend to put too much emphasis on faith. Don’t get me wrong. You NEED faith to get the job done, but not as much as you think. You need more OBEDIENCE than faith. Often times, the plan that God has for us is so big that He only shows us glimpses of it because […]


Growth is when you look back over your life and see the things that used to bother you don’t have the same effect. It’s not that God changed IT, but rather he changed YOU so that you could handle IT. The weight didn’t get lighter.. You just got stronger! 1 Corinthians – 10:13 No temptation […]


Lent is the period of time in which many Christians walk the way of Christ for 40 days. It is a time of reflection and…


President Barack Obama spoke at the annual National Prayer Breakfast this morning (February 7) where he called on leaders to exercise humility and come together for the sake of the nation. “Those of us with the most power and influence must be the most humble,” President Obama said. In discussing his faith at the bi-partisan […]


Stay dedicated to the cause and God will direct the help you need to get the job done to make it’s way into your path. Often the project is bigger than you. That’s why God gave it to you. He knew you would obey Him. It was never designed for you to do it alone, […]


Don’t be afraid to boldly step out on any God given vision. Sometimes we are hesitant because we don’t see how it’s going to work out, however, it’s important to remember that it’s HIS vision that you have so it’s more important that HE knows how it works out. In the end, it’s HIS name […]


Growth is when you look back over your life and see the things that used to bother you don’t have the same effect. It’s not that God changed IT, but rather he changed YOU so that you could handle IT. The weight didn’t get lighter.. You just got stronger! 1 Corinthians – 10:13 No temptation […]


Speaking at the 2012 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., President Barack Obama said his Christian faith is a driving force behind his economic policies. Speaking to more than 3,000 people at the annual breakfast, Obama said, for example, that his own call for fairness in the tax code – a central tenet of his […]


President Obama spoke at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast and Conference in Washington, D.C. recently. The president addressed clergy, administration officials, and other religious, government and community leaders about the economic, security and moral imperative of comprehensive immigration reform. He also talked about how his faith sustains him. Watch his speech below: RELATED: First Lady […]


Well, before we even get into this topic of ethnicity and African presence in the bible, we have to deal with certain regions in the bible.  Once we do that, we then have to look at the climates of those regions.  After looking at those two things we must then look at the people in […]


Misery loves company.We have all that countless times in our lives. Actually the real version of it is  “Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris.” Today is the day we stop embracing things like this. Today and every day after we  will begin at our best. Of course we have to begin at the beginning – that […]