About KD Bowe

‘Excuse me ma’am, but could you tell me what time it is?’ It was the sound of this casual request for the time in a small college radio station that catapulted the more than two-decade successful career in broadcasting for KD Bowe.

A veteran in the industry, KD Bowe’s highly motivating personality and inspiring radio show has captured the hearts of both the young and the seasoned all across America. With the majority of his career in network radio and syndication, KD has found a way to speak the language of the listener in cities both small and large. He delivers personal insight and on-air guests that bring real answers to the issues that affect us both publicly and personally.

KD Bowe is also owner of KDB Productions, a voice-over services production company that provides signature voice to TV, radio stations and the Internet. He has been the signature voice for hundreds of brands like Bishop T.D. Jakes, Paul Morton, The Word Network, Lego, Spalding, Sony, Coca Cola, and many others.

KD Bowe is also the in-stadium announcer for the Atlanta Falcons.


http://www.kdbowe.com If the current cover story of your life is incomfortable for you to read right now, just keep living! Front page issues change ALL the time. Don’t throw in the towel. Trust me. There will be a story tomorrow (or the day after that) that will make this seem hardly even worth talking about. […]


I know they hurt you, but as a Christian you can’t handle them like you aren’t one. They spread lies about you and it was embarrassing, but you can’t get even. They talked about you and it hurt, but you can’t seek revenge. They laugh at you behind your back saying you are weak because […]


Mistakes are a part of life! Once you make the firm decision to move in a direction that is best for you … you WILL make mistakes. DO NOT define yourself or your journey by these mistakes. The slip-up on your path is not as important as the path, so stay on it. You are […]


Are you truly trusting God’s ability, or are you hoping that He follows your directions well? Often when we say we trust God, what we’re REALLY doing is hoping that He follows through on how WE thought it should be worked out. Then, if it doesn’t work out that way, our faith in God takes […]


The most powerful person you will ever encounter is someone with discipline and self control. The inability to ‘pull up’ has cost people jobs, marriages, friendships and even their lives. True power is shown by taking the high road when you are fronted on, embarassed, or challenged. It’s keeping your mouth shut when you don’t […]


A Mac and a PC are two exceptional products that do the same thing but in different ways. Remember, you are your brand. It’s important to surround yourself with people who believe in YOUR brand and are not trying to make you THEIRS. The world is waiting to benefit from your uniqueness. Jeremiah 1:5 New […]


A heart in love finds a thousand ways. A heart in question finds a thousand excuses – Nigerian Proverb. Show me a person full of excuses as to why they can’t ‘adjust’ for the sake of love, and I will show u a person who is more in love with themselves than you. Love is […]


Don’t be afraid to push the envelope on what God has put on your heart. Sometimes people won’t understand you, and that’s ok. They’re not accountable for the vision because God didn’t give it to them. He gave it to you. Dr ML King, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and so many more faced […]

Atlanta, National, Photos

Ever wonder how to keep the fire burning in your relationship? There’s no one right answer and there are many ways to keep your relationship exciting. Blogger Robin M. May discussed this recently on her blog and addressed both men and women’s concerns. Read what she wrote about women: Ladies.  Married ladies specifically.  This is […]

Atlanta, National, Photos

Every Wednesday Fox 5 Atlanta airs a segment called “Wednesday’s Child.” The segment is a weekly television feature about adoption that helps find permanent, loving, adoptive families for children in foster care. This week’s Wednesday’s Child is named Jacobian and he says he would like a career in radio. Jacobian came to Praise 102.5 and […]


People know what you are by what they see, not by what they hear. My kids can be silent and you can look at them and know they’re mine because they look like me. Feed on God’s word long enough and you’ll resemble Him in word and deed. Aspire to be a sermon the world […]


True deliverance requires a 2 fold prayer… Asking God to deliver you from the grip of the struggle and asking God to deliver the struggle from YOUR grip. Some things you’ve struggled with for so long that you secretly identify yourself with them. You are not your struggle! Stay the course. Some things take time.. […]