Financial Freedom

There is a good chance that some time in your life you felt your back is against the wall. You know a bill is overdue and you don’t have the money to cover it, The bank says they have to foreclose on your home and you don’t have anywhere to go or you get laid […]

Financial Freedom

Many articles have been written on the law of attraction. The general idea is that the more we focus on one particular thing, the easier it is for that thing to manifest itself in reality. If start each month believing you will not have enough, the business will never work or you’ll always be broke, […]

Financial Freedom

Do you realize blaming has no value, nor will it solve any of your problems? Instead you must focus on making yourself better instead of blaming to feel superior or give yourself an out or escape clause. When you blame, others are seen as less making you the blamer “perfect”. You must realize your own […]

Financial Freedom

Have you ever heard the term recessions are personal? If you havenʼt let me explain, If the cost of goods and services increase and jobs become more scarce, but I already have a job, it may hurt a little but Iʼm still maintaing. On the other hand if my brother has lost his job and […]

Financial Freedom

Our desire should not be to acquire money or success. Our desire should be to enjoy and rightly handle all God makes available to us. I truly believe that God wants the best for each and every one of us, but he also wants us to understand the principles that he has set forth related […]

Financial Freedom

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach our full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” ~Confucius Imagine that you have $10 in your bank account, but need $200 to keep your lights on. If you focus on the fact that you don’t have […]

Financial Freedom

  When I mention Financial Gratitude, most people say, I’m thankful but… That’s when you know they missed it. The truth is, there is no but. It becomes very easy to get caught up in the day to day minutia and feelings that we should be doing something else or have more. Well theses are […]

Financial Freedom

What’s perishable, never carries over a balance, allows no overdrafts and is often wasted? Did I hear someone say Time? Bingo! Time is your most valuable commodity. You never seem to have enough of it. Everyone is time-strapped, time-poor, time-starved. Choose your cliché. As we measure the durations of events and the intervals between them, […]

Financial Freedom

Many people are living the definition of insanity, doing something that hasn’t yielded success over and over, but expecting different results. To yield the results we seek we must discipline our thoughts to overcome ourselves and move past where we are to get to the place we desire to be. If we believe something is […]

Financial Freedom

Have you ever wondered if you are addicted to your current emotions and feelings courtesy of a recurring financial situation? I know it sounds crazy. Who would be addicted to lack, being broke and not having enough. So I decided to revisit my own experiences as well as those I’ve encountered through the years. After […]